Saturday, December 13, 2014

Anyone want some wood??

The clearing is well underway. It should be done early next week. There are huge piles of wood all around the property. Please come and take some!!! Seriously.....
My coworker's husband and friend already made a trip up to get some, so hopefully it will disappear a little at a time. 

Anyways, a plumber came out and gave us more bad news about tapping into the sewer system so it looks like we are going to be getting a septic tank. 

Here are more pictures/videos 

Looks like fun

Please come take our wood!!

Going down our driveway to where the house will sit

Brush pile

The pine smelled good

Looking up towards the road, coming back from our far, far away sewer main

 More wood, who wants to have a huge bonfire? Bring a tent and a chainsaw.

Standing where our house will be, looking into the backyard

The Bobcat hard at work

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